The art of Canadian American artist Gilah Yelin Hirsch can be characterized by a search for meaning. Archaeology of Metaphor brings together original ideas in art, science, ecology, and human consciousness as well as additional timeless themes, such as contemporary issues of race and equality. At the same time, this book examines and connects psychological, scientific, and philosophical implications of form as represented in Hirsch’s oeuvre.
• Donna Stein, Editor and Exhibition Curator
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Archaeology of Metaphor:
The Art of Gilah Yelin Hirsch
Signed Limited Edition
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Archaeology of Metaphor, The Art of Gilah Yelin Hirsch, published by Skira editore spa, Milan debuted at the opening of a retrospective exhibition of the same name curated by Donna Stein at the Orange County Center for Contemporary Art, Santa Ana, CA, October, 2022.
This 182 page monograph, the first comprehensive international publication on the artist, creates a kaleidoscopic context for Hirsch’s perpetually evolving, multi-disciplinary work. The richly illustrated volume includes more than 100 images and consists of an in-depth conversation between Stein and Hirsch, as well as two provocative essays probing the oeuvre of the artist by Canadian psychiatrist Laurence Kirmayer and American art historian Carolyn Stuart.