Demonic to Divine: The Double Life of Shulamis Yelin is a weaving of the Montreal writer’s stories, diary excerpts and family photographs that reveal a creative personality haunted from the age of ten by the “moods taking over.”
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“It is with the greatest respect that I offer a glimpse into my mother’s layered full spectrum personality, as well as the kaleidoscopic nature of the creative process. Many gifted creative people are plagued by various degrees of emotional illness. Fortunately, the stigma that had forced secrecy about mental illness during Shulamis’ life has been lifted, and now there are diverse therapies that can be helpful in alleviating the kind of mental and emotional suffering she endured.” ~ Gilah Yelin Hirsch
Gilah will be giving a presentation discussing the book as well as signing copies. Books will be available for purchase at the store.