Gilah had the great pleasure of hosting Joyce Kozloff as visiting artist for her university, CSUDH.
On March 6 in Ballroom B of the Loker Student Union, Joyce presented a public lecture on the last 25 years of her cartographic art, followed by a lecture surveying public art generally, as well as conducting a critique of work in progress for Gilah’s Mural Class.
Friday, March 9 Joyce will be guiding a university van tour of public art in downtown LA, (including her own work which is displayed in the Metro) for the Mural Class who will also be given a special tour of the Metro public art in various stations conducted by Barbara Lashenick, Founder of the Metro Art Docent Council.
Additionally, along with current exhibitions, MOCA curator Anna Katz will be giving CSUDH students an expository tour of the murals on the exterior walls of MOCA.