After twenty years in production, this 35 minute, innovative, multicultural, multidisciplinary, multilingual educational film for kids of all ages will be shown in two events, March 10 (Edgemar Center for the Arts, Santa Monica), and March 14 (CSUDH Loker, LSU Ballroom). Both events are free of charge.
Reading the Landscape combines science and art in a magical voyage around the world following the migratory patterns of humankind. We follow five forms identified in nature that are present in alphabets universally, ancient to modern, and show that these forms were chosen ubiquitously as they mirror neurons and neural processes of perception and cognition.
While traveling around the globe, viewers experience immersions in cultural diversity that demonstrate unique beauty and richness while simultaneously affirming that we, as humankind, are fundamentally more alike than we are different.
Click this link to view the full invitation and details for required RSVP to attend LA screenings of Reading the Landscape.
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We look forward to sharing Reading the Landscape with you.